One Child One Mangrove (ONCOM) PKM - M UII di pimnas

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015


Selasa, 07 Juli 2015

Keaktifan mahasiswa UII dalam berbagai even positif baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional memang tidak diragukan lagi. Belum lama ini, seorang mahasiswa UII turut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan Ekspedisi Nusantara Jaya (ENJ) 2015 yang berlangsung dari tanggal 1-30 Juni 2015. Adalah mahasiswa Teknik Lingkungan UII, Adam Ikhya Alfarokhi yang turut dalam program pelayaran lintas kepulauan nusantara tersebut. Ia merupakan bagian dari 50 delegasi yang terpilih mewakili Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga untuk bergabung bersama delegasi lainnya. Sebelumnya ia juga pernah mengikuti kegiatan Kapal Pemuda Nusantara Sail Raja Ampat 2014 sebagai Duta Bahari Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. ENJ 2015 sendiri merupakan program kegiatan terobosan pemerintah dalam rangka mendorong terwujudnya tol laut dan memperkuat konektivitas antara pulau besar dan pulau kecil di wilayah NKRI.

Disampaikan oleh Adam Ikhya, kegiatan utama ENJ 2015 meliputi mobilisasi barang bantuan yang berasal dari Kementerian atau Lembaga, Program CSR, dan yayasan sosial. "Kegiatan-kegiatan sosial yang dilaksanakan selama program juga sangat beragam, seperti bakti sosial, bina cinta lingkungan laut dan pantai, pelatihan kepemudaan, pengobatan gratis, operasi pasar murah, penukaran uang serta pentas seni dan budaya", tambahnya.
Untuk mendukung suksesnya ENJ 2015, diperlukan keterlibatan sekitar 4.000 orang yang tersebar di seluruh indonesia, dengan dukungan alat angkut berupa KRI Banda Aceh, 86 kapal perintis, 2 kapal rumah sakit Doctor Share. KRI Banda Aceh sendiri akan difungsikan sebagai mother ship yang berlayar dan menyinggahi pelabuhan-pelabuhan dengan rute Jakarta-Makassar-Sorong-Saumlaki-Kupang-Jakarta.
Selama turut berlayar bersama KRI Banda Aceh, Adam mengaku banyak memetik manfaat berharga. "Pengalaman berlayar mengelilingi lautan Indonesia untuk kedua kalinya ini semakin meningkatkan nasionalisme saya dan kebanggaan akan kemaritiman Indonesia. Semoga makin sukses di kegiatan selanjutnya", tuturnya. Menurutnya, rasa nasionalisme setiap pemuda dan jiwa bahari serta maritim merupakan hakikat kekuatan Indonesia yang perlu segera dibangkitkan agar mempercepat kemajuan dan kesejahteraan bangsa Indonesia. Ia juga berharap ke depan semakin banyak mahasiswa UII yang aktif mengikuti kegiataan kepemudaan yang positif baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional.

source :

ONCOM : Gebrakan Mahasiswa UII bersama Duta Bahari Jogja dalam Menanam Mangrove Untuk Keberlanjutan Kebaharian DIY

Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

Minggu 26 April 2015, Mahasiswa Teknik lingkungan UII sukses membuat gebrakan dengan melaksanakan penanaman 1000 pohon mangrove di Pantai Baros, Kegiatan ini  diprakarsai oleh Adam Ikhya Alfarokhi (TL-FTSP), M.Nur Laili D.K (FH), Citra Endah Nur Setyawati (TL-FTSP), Nur Amelia Pawestri (ARSITEK-FTSP) yang tergabung dalam sebuah Tim Pekan Kreatifitas mahasiswa dengan judul “ONCOM” (One Child One Mangrove) Pencegah Abrasi dengan Arahan dan Bimbingan Hudori S.T., M.T selaku Kepala Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan FTSP UII.  Menurut Adam selaku ketua tim tersebut, menjelaskan bahwa acara ini sendiri dilatarbelakangi oleh semakin memburuknya ekosistem pesisir pantai yang disebabkan oleh abrasi pantai, khususnya di Pantai selatan,  hal tersebut terjadi karena rusaknya ekosistem mangrove akibat ulah dari aktivitas dan produktivitas manusia yang terlalu over dalam memanfaatkan potensi alam, oleh karena itu sebagai wujud kepedulian mahasiswa akan pentingnya pelestarian kawasan hutan mangrove sejak dini, kami mengadakan penghijauan dan juga gebrakan dengan melakukan penanaman 1000 pohon mangrove dengan anak-anak pesisir, “tandasnya”.
Acara tersebut merupakan puncak dari rangkaian kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan selama bulan April. Adapun beberapa acara lain yang juga telah sukses dilakukan diantaranya adalah kelas apresiasi yang terlaksana pada tanggal 8 April 2015, di SD Muhammadiyah Babagan dengan sasaran anak kelas 3,4,5 SD. Kelas Apresiasi adalah kegiatan penanaman rasa cinta, kepemilikan, dan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan pesisir yang dilakukan dengan cara memberikan inspirasi anak-anak pesisir dan pendekatan yang menyenangkan tentang mangrove terhadap mereka (dengan metode bermain dan belajar),  kegiatan ini juga disisipi dengan motivasi cita-cita dan wawasan kebangsaan sebagai bekal kelak mereka untuk menyongsong masa depan.
Disamping acara yang bertujuan untuk menanamkan jiwa kecintaan akan bahari kepada anak-anak usia dini sebagai sasaran utama, dalam kegiatan ini juga dilaksanakan musyawarah Pemuda Cinta Mangrove yang insya Allah akan dilaksanakan pada sabtu malam, tanggal 25 April 2015 bertempat di Masjid Makmur Dusun Poncosari, Desa Babagan, Imogiri, Bantul sebagai wadah khususnya bagi para Pemuda generasi penerus bangsa dan masyarakat umum untuk menambah dan berbagi pengetahuan antar sesama, selain itu kegiatan ini juga berfungsi untuk menginspirasi kaum Pemuda untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan, khususnya mangrove. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan menghadirkan tokoh bangsa yang sudah teruji dan ahli di bidangnya seperti :
a.       Bapak Suyadi “sang Profesor Mangrove” penerima penghargaan kalpataru, penghargaan presiden, tamu khusus presiden SBY, SCTV Award, Kick Andy.
b.      Bapak Suprapto, S.IP selaku Asisten Deputi Peningkatan  Wawasan Pemuda, Deputi Bidang Pemberdayaan Pemuda Kementrian Pemuda Dan Olah Raga Republik Indonesia.
c.       Bapak Hudori S.T., M.T sebagai praktisi dibidang lingkungan, dosen teknik lingkungan FTSP UII.
Sehingga diharapkan kehadiran mereka dapat menggugah semangat generasi muda untuk melesatarikan alam disekitarnya, khususnya di lingkungan pesisir.
Kegiatan ini di dukung penuh oleh Balai Pemuda dan Olahraga Disdikpora DIY serta Kementriaan Pemuda dan Olahraga Republik Indonesia, hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya kerjasama kegiatan ini dengan organisasi kebaharian nasional yaitu Korps Alumni Kapal Pemuda Nusantara yang langsung dibawah binaan KEMENPORA RI. Hadirnya Bapak Suprapto yang merupakan Asisten Deputi Peningkatan  Wawasan Pemuda, Deputi Bidang Pemberdayaan Pemuda Kementrian Pemuda Dan Olah Raga Republik Indonesia turut berpartisipasi untuk dapat membagi ilmu dengan para pemuda di pesisir DIY dalam acara ini. Diharapkan dengan diadakannya kegiatan ini akan terus terjalin koneksi serta adanya peningkatan disegala sektor yang terkait dengan kebaharian di DIY.

sumber :

NgeLab di Hokudai..Sapporo.,Hokkaido Jepang

Minggu, 29 Maret 2015

Laboratory Works on Development of Absorbent
Hokkaido University

Arrange by :
Adam Ikhya Alfarokhi
Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning,
Islamic University of Indonesia


Subject 1
·         The first time came to Japan
Japan is one of the world’s major economic and cultural powers. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it’s Asian neighbors include the People’s Republic of China, North Korea, South Korea, Russia and Taiwan.Japan is an archipelago consisting of four major islands called Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku and over 3000 smaller islands. Japan is one of the leading nations in the fields of scientific research, particularly technology, machinery and biomedical research. Japan’s global technological contributions can be found in the fields of automobiles, chemicals, electronics, earthquake engineering, machinery, optics,semiconductors, metals and industrial robotics
Japan is a constitutional monarchy where the power of the Emperor is very limited. Power is held chiefly by the Prime Minister of Japan and other elected members of the Diet, while sovereignty is vested in the Japanese people. Japan is sometimes referred to as the “Land of the Rising Sun”.
Hokkaido is an island at Japan's northern extremity, surrounded by sea in all directions. It is an extensive land, accounting for 22% of Japan's total land area. Low humidity makes the summers pleasant, while in winter you can enjoy winter sports. The island is gaining popularity as a tourist destination throughout the four seasons.
March 2nd, 2015—the day is my first time came in Country of Sakura (Japan), i felt so amaze because i can look directly with my eyes—look the country that everyday i dream can steping my foot in ths country. Not only felt amazed, but also the weather is so cold when i came here. Of course, because actualy now in Hokkaido still in winter.

Subject 2

·         Arrive on Hokkaido University
Hokkaido University is an international university with a long tradition of excellence in teaching and research, attracting outstanding staff and students from Japan and around the globe. Our objective is to attract the best students, regardless of their origin or financial circumstances, and to offer them a top quality education equal to any in the world.(Prof.Keizo Yamaguchi,2013)
Since first admitting students in 1876, Hokkaido University has grown rapidly. Today we enrol approximately 18,000 students, including many international students from more than 85 countries. Originally an agricultural college set up by Dr. William S. Clark , Hokkaido University has upheld four philosophies from its establishment – namely The Frontier Spirit- a spirit embodied in us all allowing us to blaze new trails in research and education, Global Perspectives – giving us the will to understand different frameworks and values from around the world, All-round Education – teaching us a wide range of skills fostering a rich humanity, and finally Practical Learning – valuing authenticity in the search for universal truth. Passed down through the ages, it is these four unwavering philosophies that have formed our DNA, and make this university the esteemed institution that it is today. .(Prof.Keizo Yamaguchi,2013)
Kim Hyong Jun as my supporter pick up me in Chitose Airport and guiding me until we arrived to the college (Kigaku Hokudai). Snow Storm faced me when my foot step the first time in this city, i felt happy but cold, its okay. And finaly i meet my sensei., Shunitz Tanaka Sensei welcoming me with his sweet smile face. And because that i judges my sensei is very kind and nice person. I love him!

Subject 3

·         Laboratory Work on Development of Absorbent
1.    Effect of pH for Cd2+ adsorption
¨      Instructor             : Prof. Shunitz Tanaka and Endo-san (M2)
¨      Place        : Tanaka Lab (GSES C604 and C606)
¨      Purpose   : To investigate effect of pH of sollution in order to determine the ability and optimum condition for biosorpstion
Sasa (abundant plant in Japan) : to increase the adsorption capacity., sasa powder was modified with citric acid 1,3 M and then heated at 150*C.,the result from this process is FMCA (fresh modified with citric acid)

¨      Result
Shaking Time
Weight (mg)
Concentration (ppm)
Dillution Time
Conc. Real
Efficiency (%)
ph 2
1,5 hours
ph 3
1,5 hours
ph 4
1,5 hours
ph 5
1,5 hours
ph 6
1,5 hours

2.    Study of adsorption for anionic dyes amd magnetic separation by magnetic chitosan
¨      Instructor             : Prof. Shunitz Tanaka and Yasuyuki Narita (M2)
¨      Place        : Tanaka Lab (GSES C604 and C606)
¨      Purpose   : Study of Adsorption Theory and Examined Adsorption Ability of Magenetic Chitosan Towards Anionic Dye
The advantage from hybrid material of chitosan and magnetite (Fe3O4) is collectable easily from aqueous solution using magnet.
The adsorbate is Methyl Orange(MO).

3.    Electrokinetic Remediation
¨      Instructor             : Prof. Shunitz Tanaka and Miyamura-san (M2)
¨      Place        : Tanaka Lab (GSES C604 and C606)
¨      Purpose   : To investigate remediation ability with use electrokinetic in sample of soil (white clay)
¨      Method     :
After get the data from AAS, we calculated amount of Pb that contain in every fraction (1-2-3-4-5-Cathode-Anodhe-Overflow). The total leads are 5,6348 mg.,it show that the experiments is failed because target total amount of leads are 18mg. Failure reason is :
      Base Condition                    : Pb has been change into Pb(OH)2., hydrocsil leads cant be detect in AAS
      The Carbon is break            : Carbons are contain much of Pb.,if the carbons are break, so maybe can adjust more Pb into citric acid solution

4.    Selectivity of Prussian Blue for Separating Cesium Ion from Aqueous Solution.
¨      Instructor             : Prof. Shunitz Tanaka and Moriya-san (M2)
¨      Place        : Tanaka Lab (GSES C604 and C606)
¨      Purpose   : To learning about selectivity
¨      Method     :
            Solution standar must contain 1000ppm of potasium ion for measuring cesium ion. Sodium ions disturb the measuring cesium ion. So, we make two types of standar solution, one is not contain sodium ion, other one is contained sodium ion. The cesium concentration in standar solution are 0~5 ppm

5.    Adsorption Test of Dyes Using Alginate Gel Beads Including Activated Carbon
¨      Instructor             : Prof. Shunitz Tanaka and Inaba-san (M2)
¨      Place        : Tanaka Lab (GSES C604 and C606)
¨      Purpose   :
1. Preparation Solution
2. Adsorption of pollutant (methylene blue, phenol red) using alginate gel beads including activated carbon
3. Measurement of absorbance using spectrophotometer
¨      Method     :
v  Adsorption tes of dye using alginated beads
v  Reagent :
Ø  1,0x10-5 M Mehtylene Blue
Ø  3,0x10-5 M Phenol Red

Subject 4
·         Hokkaido Indonesian Student Association Sciencetific Meeting
The international community’s response to population growth and development challenges over the next decades will greatly affect on the quality of life of present and future generations. Action to maintain the natural resources and promote the science and technology to humanity and prosperity in general aspect will be particularly crucial.
The world’s population, now about 7 billions, is growing rapidly. Many of the resources on which future generations will depend are being depleted at alarming rates and pollution is intensifying, driven by wasteful consumption, the unprecedented growth in human numbers, persistent poverty, and social and economic inequality.
Indonesia is one of the large countries in the world with 245 million people, has great potency in the several areas such as agriculture, forestry, marines, renewable energy and human resources. Sustainability concept should be involved during the utilization of these resources to achieve prosperity among Indonesia citizens. A sustainable development would improve the quality of human life, which then could be accessed by all individual citizens and future generations. Researchers as agent of innovation could play important and significant contribution to implement these concepts not only during the research activities but also in the application. In order to attain that purposes, the collaboration of multidisciplinary scientist are strongly needed. Indonesia Student Association in Hokkaido (PPI-Hokkaido) which is consist young talented research in the numerous area such as science, engineering, environmental, forestry, agriculture, fishery and social sciences has high motivation to participate in developing new idea and concept, new design technology for human need prosperity among Indonesia citizens.
Here, PPI-Hokkaido through the 12th Hokkaido Indonesia Scientific Meeting (HISAS 12) tries to fulfill their passion in contributing the nations’ future. In this meeting, all participants who are mostly young researchers from different point of view will exchanges their ideas and research experiences to promote better solution for Indonesia’s development.
Theme and Objectives
Theme : Science Development for Humanity and Prosperity
Objective :
v  To communicate the research progress under sustainability frame work and exchange ideas across multidisciplinary areas.
v  To build holistic view of scientific and technological development under sustainability framework
v  To contribute for current Indonesia’s development.
v  To enhance networking and collaboration between Indonesian and International community.
Keynote Presentation
Keynote presentations will be done by invited speakers:
1.    Sunitz Tanaka, Professor at Environmental Science Development-Hokkaido University.
2.    Toshikazu Kawaguchi, Assoc. Professor at Environmental Material Science
Graduate School of Environmental Science-Hokkaido University
3.    Dr. Eng. Khoirul Anwar, Assistant Professor
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology – JAIST

4. Venue and Time Schedule
Venue: Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Environmental Science (D101)
Kita 10, Nishi 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo Japan
Date : Saturday, 21 March 2015
Time : 09.00-17.00 (JST)

5. Participants
All members of Indonesian Student Association in Hokkaido are eligible to participate in this program. Furthermore, those of students and researchers who are not member are encouraged to join this scientific meeting.

 see us in :

Documentation :